c/o The After Disaster
P.O. Box 33001
Granada Hills, CA. 91394
Video of the *event* available at Patreon.com/AfterDisaster

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It’s 2022 and we’ve finally figured out comedic timing! Tyler bought black market COVID tests, Mike is in an ugly breakup with Yeti and Anderson’s car will never smell the same.
July 4th, 2019 - ScottByScott
April 17th, 2019 - ScottByScott
Earlier this year, my friend (and producer of ‘Groupers’), Max Landwirth, was nominated by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to be a candidate in the 2019 Man & Woman of the Year campaign. I’m so happy to have an opportunity to support Max as a member of his team! During this ten-week philanthropic competition, our team has a lofty goal of raising at least $100,000 to support the critical need for cancer research and patient services.
If you donate at least $10, you will be entered for a chance to win a trip to Los Angeles to have some beers and go bowling with me and all of my co-hosts from all 3 of the shows I do, as well as Max Landwirth, Producer of Groupers and the guy who got me involved in this! Every $10 is 1 chance to win. So $50 = 5 chances!!
March 25th, 2019 - ScottByScott